Bronx children deserve fully funded schools and youth programming that empowers them to be all that they dream. Run by the Bronx, for the Bronx. That means we run our schools to put our children first, empowering parents and teachers instead of school privatizers and testing companies. Bronx children deserve arts, music, sports, mindfulness, extracurricular, and summer activities as much as anyone.


We should all live comfortably in our homes without fear of getting priced out. We will organize for real tenant protections and stop luxury developers from treating our community as an investment. That means fighting for Good Cause protections from eviction, a Green Social Housing authority to build on Co-Op City’s pioneering model for all, increased state-wide legal representation for tenants, and limits to protect the Bronx from house-flipping.


We will protect the air our children breathe, and the planet they live on. Creating local, green union jobs building publicly owned clean energy, and infrastructure to prevent floods. Jonathan helped kick off the campaign to pass the Build Public Renewables Act, which after a four year struggle become law last year in “the biggest Green New Deal victory in history,” and will fight to ensure the Bronx keeps leading the way forward to a Green New York.


Whatever our zip code, we all deserve to know that we’ll be able to prevent, treat or recover from illness without having to sacrifice our economic well being. We must expand medical access for the Bronx, cut prescription drug costs, and ultimately build a true, universal healthcare system that puts the care we need over corporate greed. It’s time for the Bronx to put our health first.


The Bronx is New York’s greenest borough. We deserve the resources it takes to protect and expand our green spaces, and bring accessible, enjoyable public areas to people of all ages. We will bring more and better public transit by ending the policies isolating too much of the Bronx from quality buses and subways. And we will fund the community services and spaces that provide the foundation of a thriving and safe Bronx for all, from mental health counseling to art therapy; from public parks to beaches; museums to community gardens.


The Bronx deserves better than to scrape by—we deserve to live in dignity both at home and at work. That means a living wage that enables us to support our families, and the freedom to spend the kind of time you cannot put a price on with our friends and family. That means taxing the rich so that the few at the top pay what they owe the many, whose hard work the whole world runs on. That means the freedom to join together in unions to demand a good living and safer workplaces, just like we’ve joined together to win so many rights in the past.


The Bronx wouldn’t be the Bronx without the thriving mosaic of of people proudly able to be who we are, and love who we love, no matter what we look like. We need Bronx leaders who will stand up to the MAGA forces who want to take away freedom from all who do not look, live, and love like them. Not promise-breakers who take money from reactionary city councilors all the way up to Birther-in-Chief Donald Trump himself.

Whether it’s fighting to protect Black and brown people from discrimination and stop and frisk, new immigrants searching for a dignified life, to LGBTQ+ youth looking to be who they are, or those seeking to choose when and how they have children by seeking abortion care, Jonathan will stand up for all our freedoms, not just those of the few.


While others take money from the school privatizers, rent raisers, princes of pollution, and MAGA reactionaries they are supposed to protect us from, we will never accept a single corporate cent. Our movement is forged only by small donors like you.